Zapier Integration
The era of no-code NFT minting is here
Automate minting and contract creation to integrate NFTs into your workflow in seconds, with zero coding.

Supports multiple blockchains

NFTs just got a
whole lot easier
We've brought the efficiency and ease of Zapier to the world of Web3. Utilize any Zap trigger to create collections or mint NFTs using our integration.
Unlimited possibilities
Deliver NFTs for social engagement, store orders, form submissions - whatever you can imagine with 5000+ supported apps.
Web3, Hassle-Free
No wallet setup, no encryption key, no complexity for you or your users.
Automate, instantly
Automatically build, mint, and distribute NFTs with unprecedented ease and speed.
Effortless onboarding
Go to market faster with intuitive backend setup, live support and comprehensive API documentation.

Get started with our
Zapier templates
Get started immediately with our built-in template for payments, form submissions, email subscriptions, activity on your socials, and much more .
Why clients choose Venly's Zapier Integration
Smooth workflow
Effortlessly integrate NFT creation into your business workflow, thanks to Zapier's intuitive interface.

Future-proof integration
Our NFT API endpoints allow you to manage your own collection of standardized NFTs.

Secured by the best
Rest easy with industry-leading security certifications, ensuring data and transactions are always protected.

Enhanced customer engagement
Engage your audience like never before by offering NFT rewards for various actions, boosting user interaction and loyalty.
Cross-industry application
NFTs can enhance almost any business. Zapier Integration brings the benefits in reach of anyone.